Friday, July 30, 2010

Surprise, Surprise: Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston drive to SPLITSVILLE!

It just so happens that a big SHOCKER has occurred!  Bristol and Levi have ended their engagement!  This teen mom and father broke up last week following a fight over an ex-girlfriend.  We are sure that mama Palin is probably ecstatic over the news.  We also agree with her, who would want their daughter to marry the biggest hot-mess in Hollywood, I mean Alaska (cough, cough).  They were even planning on getting married in camou  to celebrate how they both love hunting! Whatever happens, we hope Bristol and Levi make the best decision possible to help their baby! GOOD LUCK!! and Levi, go back to being a tool, posing for playboy, making up rumors about the Palin family, and start going out with Kathy Griffin again u fame-whore!!!!

Levi Johnston, Tripp Palin-Johnston, and Bristol Palin

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